

Sexy Play Safe Postcards

Yes Sexy (in a nice way).
Play Safe Postcards are available
from VARCS, check the cards out online.

Then call or email the Grand Dame (that would be Michael Yoder) in Victoria. You won't be disappointed. This is the second edition of the "play safe" series of cards. Keep them, mail them, hand them out, frame them, they make good martini coasters for those who are wanting to put it all on, trade them, collect the whole series. Just read them, you will laugh and play safer!

Cheeky play safe post card from VARCS, the best little AIDS Organisation in Canada. What the Heck, Michael you are the best!
1284F Gladstone Avenue,
Victoria, British Columbia V8T 1G6
Phone: 250-388-6220FAX: 250-388-7011e-mail:

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