

The Christian Right is hot on the campaign trail

The Christian Right is hot on the campaign trail.

Pro Marriage (Pro Harper) Network and Vote Marriage Canada have endorsed former Liberal MP Pat O’Brien and Conservative MP Grant Hill.

Pat O’Brien added that Vote Marriage Canada was also endorsing Liberal MP Paul Szabo of Mississauga South, Dan Mailer of London—Fanshawe, and former NDP MP Bev Desjarlais of Churchill.

Vote Marriage Canada is dripping with former Conservatives like BC Co-Chair Reed Elley, Atlantic Co-Chair Elsie Wayne, Quebec Co-Chair Louis DeSerres and Grant Hill.

They have managed to highlight the Liberal connections as well given the endorsements to two Liberal MP's. Electing a Liberal is no guarentee that they will vote to keep marriage equality. In fact as many as 30 Liberal MP's and candidates are against marriage for gays.

Vote Marriage is well connected to a number of Christian Right evangelicals and Conservative Catholics. Never before have social conservatives been so active in an election campaign. They set out to get Conservative party nominations and they succeeded. They are supporting selected Liberal candidates as well as you can see from the endorsements.

On Tuesday David Mainse of Crossroads Ministry brings in Tristan Emmanuel as a guest on his evangelical TV infomercial, 100 Huntley Street, to discuss traditional marriage and I assume the federal election.

Emmanuel was instramental in securing Conservative party nominations in Nova Scotia for evangelical members. Given his involvement one has to conclude he also has a Conservative Party of Canada membership.

The Canadian Christian Right is just too well connected to the Conservative Party for any reasonable person to deny it.

Failed Conservative candidate and former constituency assistant to Reed Elley, David Quist has recently taken the position of executive director at the The Institute of Marriage and Family Canada.
The Institute, being developed under the aegis of Focus on the Family Canada, will ultimately develop a staff of close to a dozen people, working out of a commodious office a three-minute walk from The Hill. Quist is currently looking for good communication and research people who are familiar with public policy issues, particularly in the marriage and family fields. - Sunday Magazine, January 8, 2006

This Institute will be the centre of the Christian Right's lobbying and political action in Ottawa. And given its connection to Focus on the Family Canada, you can expect it to be well positioned to take advantage of generous sums of funds from James Dobson and the American Christian Right. Their website is not fully operational yet as they direct you to something called Family


Now some quotes stolen from Koby.... For your reading pleasure, please send these anywhere you want. Its important people know what the Conservatives have said and who they are.

Tiny Tory Thoughts

Myron Thompson: “I want the whole world to know that I do not condone homosexuals. I do not condone their activity. I do not like what they do. I think it is wrong. I think it is unnatural and I think it is totally immoral. I will object to it forever they attack the good traditional Canadian family unit that built the country.” (Hansard, June 15, 1995)

David Sweet: “men are natural influencers, whether we like it or not. … Its because Jesus knew women would naturally follow. Men, on the other hand, had to be called." (Christian Week November 27 2001)

Garry Breitkreuz: "In the 1950s, buggery was a criminal offence, now it’s a requirement to receive benefits from the federal government.” (The Leader-Post, March 3, 2000)

Darrell Reid: “The liberalization of divorce laws was the biggest disaster to hit Canada, short of common-law."

For more of the Conservatives, Evangelicals, Christian Right, Gay rights, Gay marriage, Stephen Harper, Tristan Emmanuel, Bishop Henry use the Technoratia search box in the side bar here and at From the Heartlands, Politics in BC, Canada and the USA.

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  1. argh urgh and grrr

  2. Anonymous12:07 am

    Tristan Emmanuel is such a self-serving evangelical little creep. Keep a close eye on that boy, he's on to something and he sees a big future for himself.
