

Queer questions for Candidates

Don't leave Queers out

Need some help looking for questions to ask? Here are a few and you can find more by following the links.

Here are some questions for candidates at all candidates forums for queer Canadians. You can find more questions at and Egale.

Would you support amending the Canadian Human Rights Act to explicitly add "gender identity" and "gender expression" to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination?

Would you support adding "gender identity" and "gender expression" as protected categories under the hate provisions of the Criminal Code?
Egale statement Bill Siksay's Private Member's Bill

Would you support reinstating the Court Challenges Program?

How will you protect Canada's sexual minorities from religious figures who seek to impose sexual morality laws?

Would you support lifting the ban which prohibits men who have sex with men from donating blood, organs, sperm, and bone marrow?

Do you support increasing the funding for AIDS service organizations to the levels promised to ACAP through public health?

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