

Torontonians rely on others to stop Harper

They are at it again. The Conservative hordes are at the gates. They are about to cross over into the 416 area code. Rumour has it they already possess some 416 phone numbers.

How many times have people in Toronto heard this nonsense? How many times have people in Toronto demonstrated their allegiance to the Natural Governing Party and been let down? The Liberal party hasn't won an election based on who the heck they are since Trudeau did it in 1968. Their fall back is always vote for us or the Conservative monster will strike us on the spot.

Today's NOW magazine has a great article on why you should consider tuning out the Liberal cries this election. You can do it safely as their isn't a hope on this not quite green earth that the Harper team will win in Toronto. The seats in Toronto are safely in non-Tory country.

The Liberals should have to earn your support this time out. If you like the green-shift and trust them to implement it, vote for them. Just be aware that Ontario and Quebec provincial governments do not support it and the Liberals dismal track record of delivering after they are elected. Do you recall the big photo-ops on the Toronto waterfront in 1997 and 2000. Its still looks the same too me, the Liberals must have forgot that promise.

If you are in the 905 belt then you may want to consider some strategic voting, get informed because the Liberals incumbents are not necessarily the 'progressive' candidates that are leading.

If the Tories are to be kept from office this time then we need to have a coalition government. That government will likely be a Liberal and NDP government with support from the Bloc and if a Green is elected, i suspect they too will pitch in.

It does not matter that the coalition has 90 Liberal and 65 NDP or Or 80 NDP and 75 Liberal. What matters is that the coalition get enough seats to form a government. In the end it clear to me that if you live in Toronto, you will have to rely on others outside our city to stop Harper. We have already done it for years, this year is no different.

Vote Orange, Green or Red with no fear. Won't it feel good to vote for your beliefs rather than with the proverbial gun to your head.

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