

Jack Layton was ahead of the Pack

“A comprehensive peace process has to bring all the combatants to the table.”

Jack Layton, NDP Leader
Sept. 1, 2006.

The rest of the world has caught up. Histeria ruled the day in 2006. When New Democrats stood against sending more troops, a bigger combat role in Afghanistan in 2006, they did so recoginizing that we would never win with weapons... today

Afghanistan’s president declared Thursday that reaching out to the Taliban’s leaders should be a centerpiece of efforts to end the eight-year-old war there, setting in motion a delicate diplomatic process that will carry great risks for both Afghanistan and the United States … In her remarks to the conference, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton preferred to focus on the less divisive issue of reintegration: luring lower- and mid-level Taliban fighters back into society with offers of jobs, money, and protection from Taliban reprisal … Japan announced it would contribute $50 million to a trust fund to support reintegration. The United States and Britain will also supporting the effort, though the Obama administration must obtain a license from the Treasury Department, since it would involve channeling money to members of the Taliban, a group blacklisted by the United States.

Too bad you were ahead of the pack Jack, now of course, who will remember your call on this...

see Everyone agrees with Taliban Jack now

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