

InSite Wins

InSite Wins

Stephen Harper and the the Conservative Government have been dealt a big blow by the Supreme Court of Canada. The court has said the jurisdiction of INSite is provincial and the Federal government must provide an exemption under the controlled drugs act!

This is a huge victory for health care and the war against drugs.

Here is the decision: The appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for British Columbia (Vancouver), Numbers CA036158 and CA036159, 2010 BCCA 15, dated January 15, 2010, heard on May 12, 2011, is  dismissed with costs.  The cross-appeal is dismissed without costs.  The Minister of Health is ordered to grant an exemption for Insite under s. 56 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, S.C. 1996, c.19. The order of the trial judge awarding special costs is affirmed

Read the whole decision here.

Update: Globe and Mail

1 comment:

  1. Finally, some good news! Finally, some sanity emerges from the insane assylum!

    Not much good news to come though. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    Check out some of the idiotic comments at the Globe. Some should be nominated for the Darwin awards, really! I think they're mommies dress them every morning.
