

Ontario NDP can take Toronto!

Good news for Ontario NDP. Its safe to vote NDP in Toronto!  In fact you are likely to better than you have in years if current trend continues.  Read new poll results below.

The Ontario Election is getting very interesting.  The Hudak team has seen support plummet and the Liberals and NDP have seen support continue to climb.

Forum Research has released new poll results for Toronto ...
... Progressive Conservative support in Toronto is plummeting, according to a new poll.
The party has slipped to third place in the city, dropping 10 percentage points since June 1 to 24 per cent support.
The NDP, which has four seats here, has leapfrogged the Tories and is at 30 per cent up from 26 per cent.The Liberals, who hold 19 of 23 seats in Toronto, is at 39 per cent, up from 34 per cent three months ago. ...
The poll means the battle in Toronto is really between the NDP and the Liberals.  The Liberals have the lead at the moment, much like their federal counterparts did in the early stages of the May 2 election.  As the campaign went on, The NDP picked up strength and took most of Toronto.

This campaign is shaping up the same.  The old and tired Liberal trickerism lacks the usual appeal to people. As we watch Hudak's numbers fall here in Toronto, its clear to voters that they really do have a choice between the NDP and Liberals.

Now that trickerism of the Liberals I mentioned above is about spreading fear, the only problem they have in Toronto is making it stick to Horwath and the Ontario NDP.  The Liberals have accused the NDP of being against all day kindergarten, education, the environment and health care.  It takes a real stretch of the imagination to say those things.  Its a bigger stretch for voters to believe this Liberal trickerism.

I am liking the Ontario election as it is playing out.  You go Andrea Horwath!


  1. First, we take Toronto.
    Then, we take Berlin!

    Vote NDP!

  2. You made me laugh! Yes Toronto and lets get the GTA before we go for Berlin!

  3. Actually I prefer First we take Toronto then we take Ottawa

  4. Silly me, Kev has the best answer! I also like Victoria
