
WTF Ontario - USA - Harper

The world is going crazy as I see it.  First there you have to ask yourself WTF happened in the USA.  Too much tea?

Then you have to look at the Ontario Liberals.  They are doing their level best to hand Ontario back to the Harrissites.  The McGinty Liberals fresh from the embarrassing health-care dollar paid lobbyists now they are taking campaign money from public hydro utilities.

Finally the Harper conservatives have done it again.  They eliminate the long form census because it is an unacceptable intrusion of your privacy, then they introduce a bill that allows police and CSIS to read your email and look at what you do on the web. Now thats better, right?


ck said...

HaHaHaHa!!!! And there are those who refused who dismissed for exaggerating when I compared Stevie spiteful to a South American Junta lite dictator. Glad to see my cynicism isn't misplaced.

ricky said...

You read the tea leaves before the rest of us... LOL

Howiesue said...

Personally, it's been my experience that the feeling of deja vu doesn't last longer than about 30 seconds or so. Yet over the last 18 months ...I seem to have had it consistently...