
"Why would we let them in the first place?"

Look out the Social Conservative Religious (and) Right (SCR&R) are getting up a head of steam in the USA and their efforts are likely to spur on the Canadian branch's of the SCR&R as well. After suffering losses in New Jersey and Arizona over the last three months and in Ontario a few days ago, they have succeeded in using a big fat wallet in Mass. to force the legislature there to move toward a state wide vote to ban gay marriage.

Gay Marriage came into law as the result of a court decision and the SCR&R have been screaming mad since. They are one more legislative vote away from having gay marriage ban on the ballot for November 2008. You can expect a flood of gay marriages in late 2008 in anticipation of loosing the right through the ballot box. All those marriages before a ban would remain legal marriages.

Here in Canada you can expect the SCR&R to go after the provincial liberals in the next election via support for the Provincial Conservatives. They are hoping mad over the Attorney General's failure to fight an Appeals Court case dubbed the Three Parents. The case provided parent status on the birth certificate of a young boy to his biological mother and her female partner and to the father who donated his sperm. The boy lives with his two mommies and his father is actively involved as well.

The case now provides all three with legal status with respect to the young boy and will have effect on more than just gay and lesbian couples with children. it is likely divorced straight couples may take this action to involve a new partner as a legal parent.

The SCR&R believe none of this would happen were it not for gay marriage and that is what we all have to remember. many feel the fight for gay marriage is over and take as proof, Prime Minister Stephen Harper saying the issue has been dealt with and is over.

The reaction from the SCR&R on the three parent case is evident they will stop at nothing to end the access to marriage for gay couples. They will continue to recruit candidates primarily for the Conservative Party and endorse those already supportive in the Liberal and Conservatives.

They have a reasonable chance of succeeding. Canada's electoral system provides rural MP's with more say than urban MP's. The majority of Canadians lives in large urban centres like Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Voters in urban centres trend to being more progressive on rights issues than in rural areas. The Conservatives greatest strength is in rural communities and in smaller urban areas. They require fewer voters to elect members. The result is rural voters count more than urban voters. In some cases a rural vote is worth two or more urban votes.

Now I am not saying they will succeed as the public outcry will be huge if they try. I am asking, "Why would we let them in the first place?" Why let the fox into the chicken coop to start with?

The next election will see Stephen Harper trying to brand himself as a middle of the road guy. Just like Mike Harris did in Ontario years ago. Once elected they decimated social services in health, education and Childrens' Aid Socities across the province. Ontario is still trying to clean up the mess. Imagine what Harper could do from Ottawa with a majority government.

Want an example, just look south of the border and the USA after six years of George W Bush. Which Canadian leader supported the war in Iraq? Who extended the mission in Afghanistan? Who presented an Environment bill that would not have any effect until 2040? Who cancelled a national Child Care plan, and who is currently reviewing government programming in health care with an eye to cut spending? You can bet just as funding for women's programs funding that address the GLBTQ communities will be slashed as well.


Tagged - I want and don't want ...

I was "Christmas tagged" by Chimera living in some dark soggy cave in BC and I made a New years resolution to answer it!

here goes...

Three things i want in 2007 ...

1. since i have to wear these diapers, someone to change them (Nudge nudge, wink wink)
2. a good original coffee place in Ottawa, why can't the Libra Room on Commercial Drive open here too.
3. to make maple syrup again or Ottawa or Montreal or Vancouver to win the Stanley Cup!

honourable mention: an openly gay conservative Minister of Defense?

Three things I don't want in 2007...

1. Another joke about, "Im a big kid now" Yes Huggies pull ups fit
2. Another parking ticket - Ottawa is better at this than Victoria for crying out loud
3. Another Closeted Gay Conservative Cabinet Minister - You know who you are, speak up!

Honourable mention: A typical Ontario winter or a Conservative majority

three names on a paper

It really did, happened just this way...

Two women got together as a lovable couple and at some point decided they were ready to have a child. They went to the man they wished to contribute sperm to complete the needed conception of a child. A child was born and the names of the Father, and the Mother, were put on the birth certificate and that is where the Women's Right's group, Real Women, felt it should end.

The Ontario Court of Appeal recently ruled that these two mothers could be on the birth certificate of a child along with the father's name. That ruling went uncontested by the Attorney General of Ontario thus making it the law today in Canada's most middle of the road province, Ontario. The effect of the unchallenged judgment is that two women or two men can be listed as parents of a child and or at least one more person may be added.

Social Conservative rights groups like the Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) and REAL Women have often warned that the traditional family was under attack or at least threatened by law changes that recognize gay’s access to "family" rights.
Jim Hughes, National President of the CLC said in a release yesterday,
“This ruling clearly shows the extent to which the homosexual activists will pursue their agenda regardless of the welfare of children.”

In its press release of August 23, 2006, The Alliance for Marriage and Family (AMF) ... "argues that there is no authority under Ontario law to declare a third parent for a child without one of the biological parents giving up parental rights. There are many other situations in which more than two adults may wish to have parental rights over a child, for example, if a child’s parents have divorced and remarried. Therefore AMF contends it is not a violation of the Charter to deny the declaration of parenthood for the same-sex partner in this situation."

Simply put the AMF, made up of these enlightened folks, the Catholic Civil Rights League, Christian Legal Fellowship, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC), Focus on the Family and REAL Women sought and obtained intervener status to say, "It’s always been this way so leave it alone." They go onto add that if such a change was to be made it should be made by the provincial legislature. You may give them credit for wanting the democratic process to work and then again you may consider this to be a shell game on their part.

The game plan for the Social Conservative Religious (and) Right (SCR&R) sect has always been there to deny access to freedoms, enjoyed by a majority of Canadians, to other Canadians. They did it with the first nations, immigrants, divorced and or single moms to name a few.

I wouldn't be surprised if the SCR&R have its agenda stationary pre-printed with the following action items.

Agenda of Local, Provincial and National monthly SCR&R meetings

1. Support for Traditional Families, (Status of anti-gay efforts)
2. Protection of our Children, (repeat lies about gay and single parent families leading children to temptation)
3. God's Army (Report from the Federal Conservative MP’s Caucus meetings and Election Planning Committee)
4. Greetings from America/Financial Report (Discuss access to funding and resources from wealthy American Evangelical groups)
5. What would Jesus do? (make it up or choose selected pieces out of context to support our position)
6. Good and Welfare (Thank you card to James Dobson, Jerry Falwel for ongoing support)

7. A-Men - In the name of the Father, the Mother and the Holy Ghost (Women can say Amen too but can't vote)

Wait a minute, I never saw the Holy Ghost on any birth Certificate! Whats really going on here...