
Vancouver 2010 games assualted by media

The Vancouver Olympics are being shot at by world media...

how short are their memories...

In Bejing they had problems with air quality and uprooted thousands of people in order to build facilities. In Salt Lake City most of the gold was spent in buying votes to get the games. Bombs went off in Atlanta and in Italy in 2006, the transportation system was abysmal with a rail system coming into place a year after the Olympics finished.

And in Albertville a skier died in a demonstration sport.

There is lots that can go wrong in the Olympics. Its a massive undertaking.


JimBobby said...

The only reason we remember those incidents you've cited from past Olympics is because of media "assaults" on those games, too. Would you rather the media didn't report news that is unflattering?

My country, right or wrong?

Rick Barnes said...

Its not my country right or wrong. I may be a little sensitive to the "British Tabs" this time out. I just feel they have gone a little over board!