
A Queer thought developed one year ago

Happy Birthday to Queer Thoughts.

I was not too sure what would happen here, but it looks to have taken off on me. One year ago today I was sitting in my apartment in Victoria, a little lost and came across blogging.

446 posts later and some 50,000 unique vistors have been here. I changed stats programs to this one and have over 40,000 unique in the last seven months. Lately for some reason I am getting 700 to 1200 a day. Must be the racey pictures or the search words like gay or homosexual.

The blog became a little over whelming and I started another blog to deal with a wider range of things, Politics in BC, From the Heartlands. I wanted to try to keep Queer stuff here. It has not been easy to separate issues. So much of one affects the other.

I have learned a fair bit about blogging and still have much to learn. My english could be better and a couple of readers were down right rude in telling me so. Proof reading is important and that means time. Time I don't always have so I post anyway. Sorry for that if it bothers you. It just is not important when you have to say something. I am not the CBC.

I have been encouraged, many people pick up on what I have to say, some have linked to me, others have accused me of writing the homosexual agenda. (By the way, if any of you were at the meeting where the agenda was passed, I missed it, can you get me a copy?)

There was fun where I broke some news on Don Cherry and gay marriage. Sports fans may have caught it live on TSN but the mainstream media did not. Don in case you missed it was supportive of gay marriage and why wouldn't he be? I don't know any hockey commentator that has kissed more guys in front of 3 million people than he has. (Just Kidding Don if your are reading this, I don't need Tie Domi sent over the boards.)

Some of my blogging has been pretty personal. Type Steven Hennessy or Father's Day in the technorati search box in the sidebar for some examples. The personal "from the heart" posts seem to get the most attention.

I have also discovered that I do know my queer stuff even if I could pass for a straight guy on the once hit show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy". The hard part is posting regularly, so people come back. At first it was easy post a couple times a day, then it was work for awhile. This summer I took a little time off and so did readers.

I hope to keep posting and be here one year from now. So much is happening, so much work is needed. Equality has yet to arrive for all of us. I think of the 15 year old that emailed me, looking for help. He was kicked out by his Dad, or the married guy that can no longer live a lie and is crucified because he had to be who he was. So much harm is done to people. Each of us handle it differently. We are all individuals, each with different tools to use in this world.

To the many that email me, that read my queer thoughts often, thank you, thanks for your guidance, your support and thoughtful comments. I write this blog to make a difference. I know it does sometimes and that will be what I hope the second year will continue to do.

The pic is of me some 46 years ago. I am sure I was driving to a protest!


Chimera said...

Happy Blog Birthday, Rick!

"My english could be better and a couple of readers were down right rude in telling me so."

Next time someone complains that you're not letter- and grammar-perfect, send 'em over to visit Zorpheous at the Wingnuterer:


Between Zorph and Bump and Johnny, your critics will come back singing your praises, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Politicagrll said...

Congradutions on the first birthday of your blog...hope the next year is as good as this one was.

Anonymous said...

I've been AWOL a lot more than you lately, I really need to check in more often.

Happy (belated) anniversary Rick! Job well done.

Ryann said...

I'm new to the blogging world...

but thank you for becoming one of the random strangers I turn to for thoughts and glimpses of reality when I get lost in a weird world