
11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway

One last post on the night, you likely have sinned and maybe didn't even know it.

Here is a look at things you shouldn't do if you don't want to end up in hell. Unless of course you think you are living in hell already.

11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway


Wandering Coyote said...

I freaking love this! I might have to steal it for my own blog. Thank you!

Skinny Dipper said...

Wow! I just discovered that I am a puritanical purist! However, on most points, I'm going to heaven because I haven't been lucky enough to get into any trouble. My hair is on the decline. I haven't been lucky enough to pull out of my brother's wife. I don't have a brother. I hate lobster and crab. My life sux!

ricky said...

OH Man. It must hurt to have a BIG L on your forehead SD. Well not really that would be a sin if you really had one there... ;-)

Skinny Dipper said...

Ricky, I'll take your comment as a compliment (lol). I got to get back to watching my churchie shows.

Blogger Word Verification: uralik

Def'n: a diminutive inhabitant of the Ural mountains; a delicious taste of repugnant sweet and saltiness at the same time (especially with an inhabitant of the Ural mountains).

ricky said...

Good stuff, see you at the next blogger thingy if we have one!